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The shippingcosts are 5,5 Euro
By 40 Euro orders they drop to 3Euro
Free by orders above 80 Euro
Is depending on the weight
up to 350g Uninsured 4,8 Euro / Insured 7,5 Euro
up to 800g Uninsured 8 Euro / Insured 10 Euro
More then 800g see country details below
We recommand customer abroad a prior registration in the shop.
Through this we can classify you as foreign customers.
And give you a revenue-based discount to compensate the high shippingcosts.
more than 800g : 11 Euro with DHL
more than 800g 15 Euro with DHL
more than 800g : 12,5 Euro with DHL
more than 800g : 13 Euro with DHL
up to1700g : 16 Euro uninsured / 20 Euro insured
more than 1700g : 25 Euro with DHL
up to 1700g : 16 Euro uninsured / 20 Euro insured
more than 1700g : 30 Euro with DHL
up to 1700g: 16 Euro unsured / 20 Euro insured
more than 1700g : 35 Euro with DHL